Could the federal election finally slam the brakes on Luxury Car Tax?

Just in case Luxury Car Tax becomes a federal election issue, here’s everything you need to know.

Luxury Car Tax hasn’t made it on the federal election agenda as yet because neither side wants to handle this political hot potato – even though, privately, members on both sides of parliament recognise the inequity of LCT and agree it needs to be scrapped.

A special investigation by Drive in 2019 found Toyota customers paid more in Luxury Car Tax than buyers of Porsche, BMW, Audi, Jaguar and Land Rover – and all other automotive prestige brands except Mercedes-Benz.

Two decades ago, Luxury Car Tax impacted 2.5 per cent of all new motor vehicles sold.

Today, Luxury Car Tax impacts approximately 8.5 per cent of all new motor vehicles sold in Australia – many of them family SUVs and four-wheel-drives – according to 2021 industry data unearthed by Drive.

Luxury Car Tax has been around in some form since the 1980s but was revised in 2001 amid the introduction of a 10 per cent GST – during the tenure of Prime Minister John Howard – to help protect jobs in the local car manufacturing industry.

In 2001, Luxury Car Tax applied an additional 25 per cent tax to new motor vehicles on every dollar above $55,134. 

It was intended to apply to only the most expensive luxury vehicles and be phased out by the end of that decade.

At the time Toyota, Holden, Ford and Mitsubishi did not locally assemble motor vehicles that breached the Luxury Car Tax threshold of $55,134, with the exception of a small number of limousine models from Holden and Ford.

In 2008, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd increased Luxury Car Tax from 25 per cent to 33 per cent – despite a report being tabled to the federal government recommending Luxury Car Tax be abolished.

In the lead-up to the decision to increase Luxury Car Tax, the then federal government was warned in an industry report that LCT was being applied to an increasing number of non-luxury cars.

The report was compiled by respected industry statistician, Australian Automotive Intelligence, and funded by the Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries.

The 24-page document published in 2008 recommended Luxury Car Tax be abolished – or the price threshold be increased, so the tax would be applied to expensive prestige cars rather than top-end family cars and four-wheel-drives.

In 2008, under Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, the increased 33 per cent Luxury Car Tax was applied to every dollar above $57,180 – except on so-called eco-friendly cars which weren’t hit with LCT until a higher price threshold.

The formula for so-called ‘green’ cars: any motor vehicle that uses less than 7.0L/100km would not attract Luxury Car Tax until the price eclipsed $75,375. Today, that threshold is $79,659.

The different Luxury Car Tax threshold for so-called fuel-efficient vehicles had the unintended consequence of massively benefiting European luxury brands – because they sold more vehicles that used less fuel than the arbitrary consumption benchmark – and penalising Toyotas and other cars bought by families.

Despite the longevity of Luxury Car Tax, there is no longer a local car manufacturing industry to protect.

Mitsubishi shut its Adelaide factory in 2008, Ford closed its Geelong engine and stamping plants and Broadmeadows car assembly line in 2016, and Toyota and Holden closed their local car factories in 2017.

Academics were calling for Luxury Car Tax to be abolished even before the demise of local car manufacturing.

In 2013, Dr Prafula Pearce, a taxation expert and senior lecturer at Curtin University, published a report in 2013 that found LCT was “discriminatory, inequitable and does not serve fairness”.

And yet, 22 years after Luxury Car Tax was revamped – and five years after the demise of the automotive manufacturing industry it was designed to protect – Australians continue to be slugged with LCT on vehicles that aren’t necessarily luxurious.

Supporters of maintaining a Luxury Car Tax say buyers who can afford a vehicle that costs in excess of $69,152 – today’s price threshold – can afford to be taxed more.

Detractors of Luxury Car Tax say buyers of such cars are already paying a higher taxes – in the proportion of GST on the purchase itself, and the compounding effect LCT has on multiple layers of taxes.

What many voters may not realise is that Luxury Car Tax is a tax on a tax on a tax.

Indeed, it is a triple tax – and one which oddly does not apply to other luxury goods such as boats, jewellery, private jets, or helicopters.

European cars attract a 5 per cent import tariff (another word for tax), 10 per cent GST, and 33 per cent on every dollar above $69,152 – and on every accessory fitted to the car at the point of sale.

If it’s on the invoice, Luxury Car Tax is applied.

Furthermore, state-based stamp duty – another word for tax – is based on the vehicle price inclusive of Luxury Car Tax, which has a compounding effect on the total fees paid. 

An example of the idiocy of Luxury Car Tax: on vehicles in the affected price range, Luxury Car Tax is even applied to tow bars, window tint, floor mats, and weather shields. 

Which is why savvy customers are increasingly signing an order for a basic vehicle and then adding accessories after the vehicle is delivered, to avoid paying a 33 per cent tax on top of the 10 per cent GST applied to such items.

The dilemma for both sides of politics: the latest figures show Luxury Car Tax has raked-in almost $9 billion over the previous 20 financial years.

As a proportion of total revenue – less than 0.2 per cent of the federal government’s annual income of $452.7 billion – Luxury Car Tax seems small.

However, supporters of LCT say every dollar counts.

That pool of funds goes towards public infrastructure projects, and covers some of the medicare bill, unemployment benefits, and disability pensions.

In 2001, Luxury Car Tax raised less than $200 million.

In recent financial years, Luxury Car Tax has raised between $600 million and $700 million – a big hole to fill.

Given the steady increase in Luxury Car Tax revenue over two decades, it’s unlikely either side of politics will want to go anywhere near LCT policy in the lead-up to this federal election.

New-car buyers will need to wait until the next government – whoever that may be – is sworn in.

The reality is, whoever governs Australia after this year’s federal election, the decision to scrap Luxury Car Tax will likely not be up to them.

Luxury Car Tax is expected to become a bargaining tool with the European Union in negotiations for a Free Trade Agreement.

In order for Australian farmers, wine-makers, and other businesses to export goods to the European Union without being slugged with an import duty over there, the Australian government will likely be asked to scrap Luxury Car Tax, which is regarded as a “non-tariff barrier”.

In other words, a hidden tax that would not be in the spirit of a genuine free-trade deal.

It means anyone waiting for Luxury Car Tax to tumble will need to be patient.

If the current federal government pledges to scrap LCT in the lead-up to the election, it will be portrayed by the opposition as looking after rich people.

If the opposition tabled a plan to scrap Luxury Car Tax, it would be accused of being out of touch with its constituents.

So it seems Luxury Car Tax is here to stay, until the European Union forces the federal government’s hand – regardless of who is the next Prime Minister.

Financial Year Luxury Car Tax Revenue
2000-01 $194 million
2001-02 $223 million
2002-03 $275 million
2003-04 $335 million
2004-05  $301 million
2005-06 $324 million
2006-07 $370 million
2007-08 $447 million
2008-09 $376 million
2009-10 $482 million
2010-11 $479 million
2011-12 $441 million
2012-13 $426 million
2013-14 $463 million
2014-15 $525 million
2015-16 $609 million
2016-17 $684 million
2017-18 $705 million
2018-19  $677 million
2019-20  $591 million
Total $8.927 billion

Source: University of Melbourne, Luxury Car Tax Review, October 2021.

The post Could the federal election finally slam the brakes on Luxury Car Tax? appeared first on Drive.

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Related : Could the federal election finally slam the brakes on Luxury Car Tax?