Jaguar F-Type SVR makes art with its exhaust


Jaguar has created a work of art using the F-Type SVR’s exhaust in a new video.

The sports car was placed onto a dyno in Jaguar‘s anechoic chamber in Gaydon, UK, where the exhaust was hooked up to titanium pipes that led to 28 plates covered in tiny seeds.

The growl and crackle of the 5.0-litre supercharged V8 engine creates vibrations through the plates, to which the seeds dance about with each frequency change.

“It’s a really good way of making science digestible for people – something that you can see and understand,” Art Director, Nick Hearne said.

Jaguar’s global brand strategy planning manager, Andy Parker, says the company’s vehicles are not just about their exterior designs.

“The passion and the energy that we put into our cars isn’t just limited to the way that they look. It’s very much about how it sounds and the way it makes you feel.”

This Cymatic experiment is the only way we can see sound-waves, and in slow motion, it is simply mesmerising to watch.

It gives a whole new meaning to Jaguar’s slogan: ‘The Art of Performance’.

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